Western Involvement in Africa’s War on Terror: Help or Harm?

Africa’s fight against terrorism has become more intense in recent years, with extremist groups like Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and ISIS and Al-Qaeda affiliates growing in strength across the continent. In response, Western countries have provided military aid, training, and strategic support to African governments. However, the effectiveness of this involvement remains a key debate: is it helping or making the situation worse?

This question was explored in a recent episode of Africanews Debates, where experts shared their views on Western intervention’s impact on Africa’s battle against extremism. The panel included Dr. Adam Bonaa, a security analyst focused on West Africa’s fight against terrorism; Rukmini Callimachi, senior correspondent for The New York Times, known for her global terrorism reporting; and Ayo Obe, a Nigerian legal and human rights expert with deep insights into governance and security.

For more perspectives from the debate, the full episode is available for viewing.