Coronavirus: More countries affected, toll passes 3,000

Iran has announced 11 more deaths from COVID-19, raising the death toll to 54, making the total number much higher in any other region outside china.
Italy, the epicenter of the outbreak in Europe, confirmed 1,694 cases while the total in France has reached 130. As the outbreak deepens, the personnel at the Louver in Paris chose to close the iconic museum.
The first case of coronavirus has been confirmed in regions including Scotland, Czech Republic, and the Dominican Republic.
The counting method by china might underestimate the extent of the virus. The last month, local authorities are required to include “asymptomatic infected individuals” in the coronavirus data by the national health commission.
The caixin report states there were 104 asymptomatic cases in Heilongjiang till 25th Feb, yet they were not included in 408 “confirmed cases”. Cai Xin is an independent financial media and research group. Before coming to 104, the asyms were termed as “confirmed” usually considered as confirmed when they exhibited symptoms. Studies reveal that asymptomatics are infectious and they should be treated as such.
Experts argue that the new counting methods could hamper other countries’ endeavor to contain the virus.
In Indonesia, two people have been tested positive for the novel coronavirus and are in hospital seeking treatment, which confirms the Indonesian president Joko Widodo.
The Australian chief medical officer has warned that it is not possible to completely ban coronavirus suspects from entering the region. The chief medical officer Brendan Murphy said, “It is no longer possible to prevent new cases coming in”
“We have got concerns about Japan and South Korea. They are working hard to control their outbreaks but we are still concerned that people in those countries and other high-risk countries may present with an infection”. Currently, 29 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed.
The government of Kazakhstan banned Iranian citizens from entering their country to tackle the coronavirus. the flight operation to and from Azerbaijan is limited and the country is not offering work permits to Iranians anymore. The country refused to allow entry to any citizen from countries affected by the coronavirus.
In South Korea, the virus has been spread by church proceedings. A case has been filed against the leaders of Shincheoji that they did not collaborate with the country’s effort to control coronavirus.
The mayor of Seoul, Park Won-Soon said: “if Lee and other leaders of the church had cooperated, effective preventive measures could have saved those who later died of the virus”.
Park said in a Facebook post “The situation is this serious and urgent, but where are the leaders of the Shincheonji, including Lee Man-Hee, the chief director of this crisis?”
In the US, the second death from coronavirus reported. It is reported that the person died belonged to the same nursing home where the other two cases of the virus were confirmed. The man was in his 70s, as per local media.
The Korea centers for disease control and prevention reports more than 500 new cases with four deaths, the largest death rate from coronavirus outside China.
22 people have died from the epidemic in South Korea, with 4,212 affected.
The coronavirus has killed more than 3,000 people across the world. According to the latest data from China, 42 new deaths are recorded, raising the death toll to 2,912.
The latest cases have been reported in Hubei, the worst-affected part of China, as per the national health commission. However, the number of infections in mainland china was significantly lower than in January.
The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo confirmed the first case of coronavirus in Newyork from someone who has visited Iran very recently. Cuomo assured there was “no reason for undue anxiety” as the risk is very low. The infected person is in quarantine. There is diligent monitoring to manage the situation.–Worldwide News