The UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Wed adopted a resolution powerfully condemning for continued violence and acts of terrorism targeting people, as well as persons happiness to spiritual minorities, supported or within the name of faith or belief.
The resolution, titled ‘Combating terrorist act and alternative acts of violence supported faith or belief’, was presented by Turkey and co-sponsored by countries together with Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
By the terms of the resolution, the UNGA condemned “in the strongest terms the evil , fearful terrorism aimed toward Muslim worshippers in musjid, New Zealand”.
The assembly additionally urged all states to safeguard and promote freedom of faith and belief and to foster a domestic setting of spiritual tolerance, peace and respect.
Introducing the resolution, Turkey’s government minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu aforementioned the international community should get on my feet against the spiral of hate. “Islamophobia and racism go hand in hand,” he said.
Rejecting the actions of reckless politicians UN agency “use distorted historical narratives and toxic conspiracy theories to equate Islam with terrorism”, he quoted the author Rumi UN agency aforementioned, “Listen with ears of tolerance, see with eyes of compassion, speak the language of affection.”
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Pakistan’s representative, Maleeha Lodhi, aforementioned increasing anti-Islam sentiments were threatening world peace. She declared that Islamic Republic of Pakistan has and can continuously support efforts to bring nations and religions nearer.
Noting that 9 victims of the christchurch attack hailed from Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Ambassador Lodhi aforementioned identification and stigmatising individuals from one country results in forceful consequences.
Speaking in rationalization of position before the vote, the representative of latest Zealand welcomed the main focus of the text on strengthened international efforts on a worldwide dialogue to foster a culture of tolerance, diversity and peace.
“New Zealand is humble by the outpouring of support from the international community and significantly grateful to the worldwide Muslim community UN agency stood with United States throughout these dark days,” he said.
Canada’s delegate recalled the attack in a very Quebec City masjid 2 years ago and aforementioned that once violence like this happens, whether or not in mosques, churches, synagogues or on the streets, it should be known as what it is: neo‑Nazism, white supremacism, islamophobia, and anti‑Semitism.
The representative of Israel aforementioned the negotiation method on the resolution may are additional comprehensive and clear and condemned acts of violence against anyone supported belief or faith.
The European Union’s delegate aforementioned that “attacks on places of worship are attacks on all people UN agency value diversity”, adding that sensitive problems need careful thought and also the deliberations on the draft were “somewhat compressed”.
The representative of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia noted that terrorist components are spreading their message through electronic and social media, whereas the representative of Malaysia aforementioned lack of data concerning alternative communities is causative to the growing social phobia.
Iran’s delegate aforementioned that measures like a Muslim travel ban and also the use of the term “Islamic terrorism” are ways that of encouraging prejudice, whereas the representative of Kazakhstan called for dialogue between civilizations.